Jordan Peterson Backs Netanyahu’s Lie That Palestine Was An Empty “Ruin” When Jews seized it in 1948 and “Built it up” …


Palestine was a “barren ruin” with almost no occupants.  The Jews arrived to “build it up” and that’s why they “own” it today.

La Palestine était une “ruine stérile” presque sans occupants. Les Juifs sont arrivés pour la “construire” et c’est pourquoi ils la “possèdent” aujourd’hui.



If you own territory, a vast swath of land, and you’re doing NOTHING to it, and someone comes and SQUATS on it, and spends a lot of time IMPROVING it, at some point they actually develop a valid legal claim to the property itself.  And so, there seems to be something intrinsic to our notion of valid ownership that, if you’re going to occupy a territory, you actually have to DO SOMETHING with it that’s productive.

And so, so that’s, that’s at least part of the claim you’re making at the moment to buttress the notion that the Jewish people have a valid claim to the present territory.

There were [sic] a lot of movement back and forth, but, but, the Jews have actually taken the land AND MADE SOMETHING of it.

Well, I’m saying something else, though.  I’m saying that they held the land for 2,000 years, were kicked out.  The Arabs came and conquered it and immediately lost it to others, and did nothing with it.  The others did nothing with it.  [Now, a metaphor: the “land” (Palestine) is Netanyahu’s alleged former “apartment”:]  Basically, they took over my apartment, okay.  A long time ago.  The guys who took over, who basically kicked me out, were kicked out themselves.  The apartment was left barren, and uh, many decades. – in this case, centuries later. – I come back to this barren mess, okay, this ruin, and I build it up back and I not only improve it, I not only make my ownership based on improvement, but nobody else did anything with it.  There was, there was no someone else.   There practically were no tenants there.  That’s my argument.


Palestine was a thriving young nation with cities, ports, railroads, shipping, international trade, schools, colleges, mosques, car dealerships, theaters… orchards, farms, factories… until the Jewish terrorists arrived who brutally expelled the Palestinians and moved in.

La Palestine était une jeune nation prospère avec des villes, des ports, des chemins de fer, du transport maritime, du commerce international, des écoles, des collèges, des mosquées, des concessionnaires automobiles, des théâtres… des vergers, des fermes, des usines… jusqu’à l’arrivée des terroristes juifs qui ont chassé les Palestiniens et se sont installés à l’intérieur.

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