The Goal of this Translation

The Goal of this Translation

Articles and books are being written about Adrien Arcand.  Most are in French but some are now in English.  These books claim to present Arcand’s ideas to the reader.  However, Arcand himself remains the best presenter of his own ideas.

With that in mind, an appropriate translation ought to make his ideas available to critical appraisal.  It ought not to alter them, or embellish them, or substitute the translator’s ideas or anyone else’s ideas for those of Arcand.  (Although I reserve the right to be opinionated in my own footnotes, with which you are free to disagree.)

Care has been taken and hopefully with reasonable success to allow Adrien Arcand to speak for himself in this first English edition of À Bas La Haine!, Down With Hate!.  The translator also tried to evoke the spirit of Adrien Arcand as it comes to the fore in his own French text.

The reader is welcome to judge the success of the effort by comparing the English to the French in the bilingual version of this book online at this web site.  You can also download a free gift copy of my scan of the original French book.

Thank you for reading.

– Adrien Arcand Books (AAB)

Aaargh 2005


The “Aaargh” Introduction of 2005

L’Introduction «Aaargh» de 2005


Avant-propos à l’Introduction «Aaargh» de 2005

Foreword to the “Aaargh” Introduction of 2005

Supprimer la lecture, les opinions et les idées, c’est corrompre l’histoire ; imposant ainsi l’ignorance afin de contrôler et comme une arme. Les opinions devraient être ouvertes aux contre-arguments. Ils ne peuvent pas être ouverts aux contre-arguments s’ils sont supprimés par la persécution orwellienne. Comme disait ma grand-mère maternelle d’Angleterre : «Les bâtons et les pierres peuvent me casser les os, mais les mots ne peuvent jamais me faire de mal». Évidemment, cela n’est vrai que dans une société libre où l’opinion est libre, comme le sont les contre-arguments. La répression et la persécution soulèvent la forte présomption que ceux qui ne peuvent tolérer l’opinion libre n’ont pas de véritables contre-arguments à offrir.

To suppress reading, opinions and ideas is to corrupt history; thereby imposing ignorance for control, and as a weapon.  Opinions should be open to counter-arguments.  They cannot be open to counter-arguments if they are suppressed by Orwellian persecution.  As my maternal grandmother from England used to say, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me”.  Obviously, that is only true in a free society where opinion is free, as are counter-arguments.  Suppression and persecution raise the strong presumption that those who cannot tolerate free opinion have no real counter-arguments to offer.

Toutes les informations intéressent quelqu’un, quelque part, quelque temps ; et donc la suppression de l’information est un acte méprisable de trahison contre la connaissance et l’humanité, qui se distinguent des animaux par leur capacité de préserver la connaissance et l’histoire.

All information is of interest to someone, somewhere, some time; and therefore suppression of information is a despicable act of treachery against knowledge and humankind, who are distinguished from the animals by their ability to preserve knowledge and history.

De nos jours, qui devrait être l’ère de la plus grande liberté de connaissance et d’investigation, qui devrait valoriser la vérité et l’histoire plus que tout autre âge étant donné le vaste potentiel de communication de l’information, nous sommes au contraire confrontés à la suppression systématique de quelques types de lecture.  Certains lecteurs sont persécutés, simplement pour leurs points de vue, jusqu’aux tribunaux — souvent des tribunaux corrompus, des tribunaux «Étoilés», menant des procès politiques contre des présumés sorcières — qui par la suite se retrouvent emprisonnés, comme Galileo a été emprisonné.

In this day and age, which ought be an era of the greatest freedom of knowledge and investigation, which ought to value truth and history more than any other age given the vast potential for communicating information, we are on the contrary faced with systematic suppression of some kinds of reading.  Particular readers are persecuted, simply for their viewpoints, all the way to the courts — often corrupt courts, Star courts, conducting political witch trials — and they find themselves imprisoned, as Galileo was imprisoned.

L’Aaargh (abréviation de “L’Ass. des Anciens Amateurs de Récits de Guerre et d’Holocauste”) est apparemment consacré à la mise à disposition de matériel de lecture qui pourrait autrement être largement supprimé.  Une introduction en l’honneur d’Ernst Zündel est présentée dans l’édition de À Bas La Haine ! mise en ligne par Aaargh Reprints, datée et annotée le “8 novembre 2005 :  Procès Zündel, Mannheim”.  En remerciement pour leur distribution gratuite de À Bas La Haine ! par lequel j’ai pris connaissance de l’existence de ce document, ma traduction anglaise de l’Introduction Aaargh de 2005 suit.

The Aaargh (short for, rough translation:  “The Association of Antiquarian Amateurs of Accounts of War and Holocaust”) is apparently devoted to making reading material available that might otherwise be widely suppressed.  An introduction in honor of Ernst Zündel is featured in the edition of À Bas La Haine ! by Aaargh Reprints, dated and annotated “8 November 2005 :  Procès Zündel, Mannheim”.  In gratitude for their free distribution of À Bas La Haine ! by which I learned of this document, my English translation of the Aaargh 2005 Introduction follows.

The “Aaargh” Introduction
of 2005

L’Introduction «Aaargh» de 2005


Aaargh Reprints
8 novembre 2005 :  Procès Zündel, Mannheim

Aaargh Reprints
8 November 2005 :  Zündel Trial, Mannheim

Première édition sur le Net

First edition on the Net

Nous publions cet opuscule le 8 novembre 2005, jour de l’ouverture du procès de Ernst Zündel, éditeur révisionniste, à Mannheim, Allemagne.  Il est arrivé en Allemagne au début de 2005, après avoir été kidnappé par des services américains, et illégalement envoyé au Canada, où une parodie de procès l’a tenu deux ans à l’isolement, dans des conditions indignes.

We are publishing this short work on November 8th, 2005, day one of the trial of Ernst Zündel, a revisionist publisher, in Mannheim, Germany.  He arrived in Germany at the start of 2005, after being kidnapped by the American services, and illegally sent to Canada, where a parody of a trial kept him for two years in isolation, in shameful conditions.

Zündel, jeune paysan souabe, a débarqué au Canada en 1958.  Quelques temps après, il a rencontré Arcand (1899-1967) qui fut son mentor ; il lui montra ce qu’avait été l’histoire et la politique de l’Allemagne depuis les années 30.  Zündel a toujours été reconnaissant à Arcand pour l’avoir éduqué politiquement.

Zündel, a young Swabian peasant, landed in Canada in 1958.  Not long after, he met Arcand (1899-1967) who became his mentor; he showed him what the history and politics of Germany had been since the 1930s.  Zündel was always grateful to Arcand for giving him his political education.

Arcand était incontestablement un proche du parti nazi et avait été interné administrativement pendant la guerre.  Nous ne partageons certainement aucune des idées d’Adrien Arcand, catholique ultra, royaliste, pro-nazi, mais nous constatons que la répression des idées et la chasse aux sorcières exercée par les soi-disant démocraties relèvent très exactement de ces fascismes qu’elles prétendent combattre et qu’en fait elles imitent en y rajoutant une large dose d’hypocrisie.

Arcand was undeniably close to the Nazi party and had been administratively interned during the war.  We undoubtedly do not partake of any of the ideas of Adrien Arcand, an ultra Catholic, a royalist, a pro-Nazi, but we recognize that the repression of ideas and the witch-hunting practiced by the so-called democracies comes precisely from these fascisms that they pretend to fight and which they in fact imitate with the addition of a huge dose of hypocrisy.

Zündel est un homme libre qui devrait être libre, c’est-à-dire hors de la prison, si le pays qui l’héberge était lui-même libre.  Il y a davantage de livres interdits et de poursuites pour crimes de la pensée dans l’actuelle République fédérale allemande que dans le Troisième Reich.

Zündel is a free man who should be free, which is to say out of prison, if the country playing host to him were itself free.  There are as many forbidden books and trials for thought-crimes in the current Federal Republic of Germany as in the Third Reich.

«À bas la haine !».  Montréal, Éditions La Vérité, 1965.  140 p. (20 cm).  Ouvrage antisémite.  Peu commun.  Il s’agit de l’édition spéciale, couvertures simili-velours; avec une photo d’Arcand et un carton publicitaire de son organisation.  45 $ (librairie d’occasions, à Montréal.)

A bas la haine !”.  Montréal, Éditions La Vérité, 1965.  140 pp. (20 cm).  Antisemitic work.  Rare.  This is the special edition, faux-suede covers; with a photo of Arcand and a promotional card of his organization.  $45 (second-hand bookstore in Montréal.)

The whole book is up in Final English!

The whole book is up in Final English!

Very proud to present the first English translation of Adrien Arcand’s 1965 DOWN WITH HATE! (A BAS LA HAINE!).

Added today:

– Introduction
– Chapter IV
– Chapter V
– Chapter VI
– Conclusions
– Front – English Cover
– Front – French Cover
– Front – Frontistpiece
– Front – Frontispice
– Front – Credits
– Front – Crédits
– Front – Dedication
– Front – Dédicace
– Back – Appendix I

For the sake of other researchers, I have been determined to document every page in the original book, therefore all blank pages are accounted for, even in the html online. That way, you won’t have to wonder if something is missing, as blank pages often have an implied page number. Everything is here. And you can document it against a scan of the French book, see the Free Downloads.

I also added the free download of the PDF-scan of the original French book; and a post with photos of my visit to the Quebec Archives on 16 January 2018 to scan the book.

Over and above the eBook, I slightly updated the English About page which is mine, and not a part of Arcand’s book, but is part of the supplemental materials I am adding to the site to enhance reader interest and the historical context.

I am hoping to add a French version of the About page, but I am not a French translator, I only translate English; so I will have to use google translate for the French, and beg forgiveness, unless somebody would like to help and suggest corrections once it’s up.


Nota Bene: My translator’s footnotes are indicated in square brackets like this: [1] or [2]; Arcand’s own footnotes are very few and are indicated without brackets.


I have written about a quarter or a third of a Translator’s Introduction to the first English edition of Arcand’s A BAS LA HAINE! – DOWN WITH HATE! I will complete it once I find certain historical documents, Hansard, copies of the private members’ bills referred to by Arcand, and some other additional background material, which I will add to this web site as Appendixes.

For example, it appears that “hate speech” laws originate in the Communist Soviet Union, and thanks to the aggressive intervention of the USSR, “hate speech” notions were added to some UN documents.

In the meantime, please enjoy the completed English book, the photo gallery and the new free download of the original French book.

Thanks for reading, subscribe and check back.

P.S. I added a new header to the web site to announce DOWN WITH HATE! “For the first time in English”.

P.P.S. Nearly forgot. I had added an Index to the book, which I have to update. It doesn’t exist in the original French book; nor does a table of contents. I have already provided one of those in English in the sidebar. I may add one in French, as well.

Scanning A Bas La Haine! in the Quebec Archives

The Project

Finding and Translating Adrien Arcand’s À Bas La Haine !

This was a lot of work!

It all began late in the summer of 2017 with one of many downloads from the Aaargh “rare book” repository.  Aaargh had uploaded their OCR’d version of Arcand’s “À Bas La Haine !” in letter-sized pages.  I instantly knew that it must be put into English.  Adrien Arcand had been a politically active and highly controversial French Canadian, and a Quebecer.

The hunt was on for a copy of the actual original.  But the summer of 2017 was a nonstarter.  Three major libraries were under renovation and the reels with a scan of the book were locked away, or else the reading machines for the reels were broken!  The one copy of the original in the general Quebec archive had gone missing.  Shortly after, its catalogue entry also vanished.

I therefore, despite reservations, began to translate the Aaargh! version.  The French came to a bit over 60-odd pages.

When my draft translation of the Aaargh! version was done, I finally found the original French book in the rare books department at the Quebec Archives, where I scanned it on 16 January 2018.  A photographic record of that expedition is below.  The original was over 140 pages long!

Scroll to the bottom and get yourself a FREE PDF-scan of the original French book, as prepared by yours truly.

A BAS LA HAINE! on the scanning glass in the Quebec Archives, Tuesday, 16 January 2017

A bas la haine ! on the scanner in the Quebec Archives, Tuesday, 16 January 2018.

This was a great find.  The original published book is a glossy hard cover, with a very interesting bio of Arcand on the back.  The final text and first English translation of À bas la haine ! (Down With Hate!) can now be proofread against the Aaargh version found online, corrected, expanded and completed to match the original French book, published in 1965.

A bas la haine - Adrien Arcand in the catalog of the Quebec Archives.

A bas la haine ! in the catalog of the Quebec Archives.

PDF GRATUIT — non-recherchable :

À Bas La Haine !  Adrien Arcand (1965)
Télécharger PDF gratuit

À Bas La Haine ! Adrien Arcand (1965)

À Bas La Haine ! Adrien Arcand (1965)
Télécharger PDF gratuit

Ceci est un scan complet du livre original publié en 1965.
This is a complete scan of the original book published in 1965.

Some Final English up today!

Hello again. I’m putting up the final English in stages. I had to repaginate the whole book to match the original found at the Quebec Archives on 16 January 2018. Please bear with me. Today, the following FINAL ENGLISH sections went online:

– Foreword
– Chapter I
– Chapter II
– Chapter III
– Chapter VII
– Conclusions
English back cover
French back cover

The back cover is NEW!  It’s from the original French book, and has a wonderful short autobiographical note by Arcand himself, and his photo circa 1965.

The rest will be done A.S.A.P.

Thanks for reading.  Subscribe and check back, a freebie is coming:  PDF of the original French book, A BAS LA HAINE! as scanned in the Quebec Archive on 16 January 2018.