New! Adrien Arcand Books launches first Free eBook in PDF and mobile formats

Communism Installed Here by Adrien Arcand, 1966.  Free eBook.

Communism Installed Here by Adrien Arcand, 1966.  Free eBook.

Communism Installed Here by Adrien Arcand, 1966.  Free eBook.

Communism Installed Here by Adrien Arcand, 1966.  Free eBook.

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Communism Installed Here, Adrien Arcand (1966) free flash flipbook

Communism Installed Here, Adrien Arcand (1966) free flash flipbook

On the Front Cover:

Adrien Arcand


Le Communisme Installé Chez Nous (Communism Installed Here)

For the first time, in English


Exclusive English translation of his 1966 talk at Montreal exposing the oneness of Free-Masonry, Zionism, the Talmud, World Government and Universal Communism.

On the Back Cover:

Adrien Arcand delivered this crucial public talk, Communism Installed Here, at Montreal in 1966, the year before he died.

Enumerating The Ten Commandments of Karl Marx, the Communist “Decalogue”, Arcand exposes Communism as “a Jewish device to lead Israel to world power”. Said Arcand:

“When we know that Judeo-Marxism is enthroned in the Kremlin and is directing countries under the Soviet yoke, when we know that Judeo-Masonry is enthroned at Lake Success and is directing the democratic governments, it is not surprising that all humanity is suffering attacks, everywhere at once …”

Download your free copy now.  The ZIP file [Communism Installed Here, Adrien Arcand (1966).zip] contains the PDF and the following mobile versions:  epub, mobi, azw3, fb2, lit, lrf.

You can also download a free copy of the SCAN made of the French original in the Quebec Archives on 16 January 2018, which was used to prepare the English translation.

A Word of Caution:

In reading this pamphlet which accompanied Arcand’s public talk at Montreal in 1966, keep in mind that high-ranking KGB defector, Anatoliy Golitsyn, predicted and warned that the KGB would stage the “collapse” of Communism, to allow complete integration of the Soviet apparatus into the West before a final “World Oktober Revolution”, a world-wide version of the 1917 Bolshevik revolution, which was a war of aggression, not a “revolution”.  Look for Golitsyn’s two books, The Perestroika Deception and New Lies for Old.

It is also quite urgent that the staged collapse warned of by Golitsyn appears to have been co-planned in Canada with our red Trudeau regime.

Look for clear signs of this in a propaganda piece in the Canada section of the National Post.  The article is entitled:  “How a three-hour conversation at a Liberal cabinet minister’s home triggered the collapse of the Soviet Union” by Allan Levine, Special to National Post, March 17, 2013, 9:00 PM ET.

The article also ties the family of Pierre Elliott Trudeau, through intimate friendship, to a key Soviet orchestrator of the planned world overthrow:  Alexander Yakovlev, for whom Trudeau’s son, Alexandre, was named and/or nicknamed.  Golitsyn calls Yakovlev “an expert on the manipulation of the Western media”.  Said Golitsyn:  “Yakovlev’s main task is to present, project and sell ‘perestroika’ to the West as a novel, pragmatic, opportunistic, non-ideological policy which harbours no aggressive, strategic design against the West.”

And a final word from Golitsyn:

“Current Soviet strategists like Yakovlev are skilful dialecticians who are creatively developing and applying Leninist ideas derived from the period of the New Economic Policy.

As indicated earlier, the present grand strategy, adopted in 1958-60, is based upon a classic realisation of the Hegelian dialectical triad:

Thesis:  Stalinism [or Stalinist Communism].
Antithesis:  Rejection of Stalinist Communism
Synthesis:  Converging, merging and marriage of Communist (socialist) substance (content) with democratic format, or ‘democratism’ [= ‘convergence’].

This use of ‘democratic’ form is deceptive:  it is the essence of the strategic manoeuvre which is intended to secure the final world victory of Communism.  Here, in addition to Hegelian dialectics, the Communist strategists took Sun Tzu’s advice.

Sun Tzu wrote:  ‘I base my plans for victory on form, but this is not understood by the common man.  Although each has the ability to behold things as they appear, none understands how I have forged victory’.”

The facts that the Parti Québécois, which ran two (illegal) referendums in 1980 and 1995 to dismantle Canada, calls for a Communist State of Quebec in its 1972 manifesto (Quand nous serons vraiment chez nous); and that Pierre Elliott Trudeau and a committee of fellow reds from the federal cabinet of Soviet Agent Lester Bowles Pearson (aka “Mike”) ordered Lévesque to set up that party; should all underscore the validity of warnings from Golitsyn and Arcand.  For research on point, look online for “CANADA How The Communists Took Control” and key words:  “Pearson, Soviet espionage”; and also:  “secret committee”.

At pages 101-103 of the PQ’s 1972 manifesto, the real purpose of Quebec “sovereignty” is admitted, and it is not for the benefit of the French-Canadians.  Quebec sovereignty is needed because in Canada, the powers are divided between the provinces and the federal government.  Many of the federal powers are needed to construct a (Communist) plan.  Here’s the admission:

“What is revealed by this experiment of the Sixties, is that without the necessary instruments, a Plan will never be anything but a more or less inadequate study, presented more or less well, but rigorously platonic.  The missing instruments are precisely those which result from sovereignty.  As long as Quebec is not independent, as long as it does not possess all the fiscal, legislative and mobilizing powers of a Sovereign state, to wave the banner of planning is at best the expression of a great lack of guile, or at worst, a fairly cheap way to neutralize a growing desire for participation.”

The “experiment of the Sixties” was the effort of the red Jean-Lesage “liberals” to set up State-controlled planning to run Quebec’s economy.  The official paper trail begins with the Conseil d’orientation économique in 1961, allegedly promoting “democratic” planning; but by 1972, it will become “coercive” (totalitarian) planning, according to Charles Perrault, interviewed on Radio-Canada that same year without, however, admitting to the listener that Perrault himself was an early member of the Conseil d’orientation économique.

In addition, the word “participation” specifically means Yugoslav-style communism, also called “industrial democracy”, and long promoted (outside Parliament, obviously) by the NDP, and Pierre Elliott Trudeau and his leftist colleagues.

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