Same slogan, similar “National Policy”, very different outcomes:  what happened to Canada between 1878 and 1938?

1878 Winning Campaign Slogan of Sir John A. Macdonald

The National Policy

Canada for Canadians!

The National Policy began as a proposal to protect Canadian manufacturers from cheaper foreign products. It was put forward by Macdonald and his party in the 1878 general election with the slogan “Canada for Canadians”. The National Policy, as it was implemented in the budget of 1879, included much more than protection. The encouragement of immigration, the development of agriculture in the west, the growth of industry in the east, the improvement of railway and harbour facilities to promote the movement of goods and people across the country; all to make Canada strong and independent. These were some elements of Macdonald’s grand vision.  Macdonald’s Conservative Party maintained that the National Policy, along with the British connection and resistance to cultural and economic pressures from the United States, were the keys to Canada’s survival.

Macdonald wins!  He goes to Parliament

Parliament Building - Ottawa - 1878 by Art MacKay

Parliament Building – Ottawa – 1878 by Art MacKay


1938 Federal Campaign Slogan of Adrien Arcand

The National Policy

Canada for Canadians!

Abolish monopolies, trusts, cartels, foreign exploitation, including exploitation by foreigners become locals using international banks to buy up the country and internationalize the ownership of Canadian resources and production.  In Arcand’s day, immigration was too much and too foreign.  French-Canadians in Quebec and other Canadians were fleeing the country in search of work.  Arcand wished, once again, to benefit Canadian farmers and industry. Arcand’s “National Policy” was to cap foreign immigration, restore the unitary parliament that had existed prior to political parties, and thus prevent corruption and exploitation by trusts and private interests. Catholic Corporatism would ward off Communism, Socialism, Liberalism and Internationalism. These were some elements of Arcand’s grand vision. Arcand’s conservative National Unity Party maintained that its National Policy, along with the British connection and resistance to cultural and economic pressures from mass-immigrated Jews were the keys to Canada’s survival.

“Treason!” they cry, “Lock him up!”
“Off to the Camps!”

World War II.  Petawawa Internment Camp.

World War II. Petawawa Internment Camp.

What happened to Canada between 1878 and 1938?

William-Lyon Mackenzie King, our American Prime Minister

William-Lyon Mackenzie King, our American Prime Minister

Could it be that massive Jewish immigration around the turn of the previous Century converted a proud, conservative, self-governing Christian Canada with wholesome values, into an international liberal parking lot, ripe for the plucking under foreign domination?

Vite Liberal

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